Rupp Monuments
Providing families with Memorial Touchstones for over 17 years.

Since 1992 Rupp Monuments has been helping families in the greater Cincinnati Ohio area design Monuments for their loved ones. Located in the heart of Hamilton, Ohio our huge selection of monuments means that we can help you find exactly what you want and at an affordable cost.

It is our goal to assist you with a memorial purchase keeping it as simple and easy as it possible. If you want personal service and a unique memorial come to Rupp Monuments.

We know and work with the local cemeteries. When you order a memorial from Rupp Monuments it will be within the guidelines of your cemetery.

Memorialization is our only business. We will take the time you need to work out what you want to place on your loved ones grave at a price you can afford.

Often people put off purchasing a memorial because they think it will cost too much. I have had several people say to me recently that they wouldn't have waited so long if they had known it wasn't expensive.

Rupp Monuments
553 Main St
Hamilton OH 45013
Tel: 513 887-2474; 406-3002
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