Longstreth Memorials - Bucyrus
Each family has its own personal story to tell, and at Longstreth Memorials we understand the importance of capturing that story in stone for future generations. For more than 140 years, Longstreth and Rock of Ages have been helping families create personalized family memorials that are a true reflection of a life well lived. Our caring counselors want to learn about your family as they assist you in designing a lasting and unique tribute to your loved one. When you work with Longstreth and Rock of Ages to create your family memorial, you can expect the highest quality granite and superior craftsmanship. We stand behind these memorials with a perpetual warranty like no other in the industry that guarantees that your family's memorial will last forever. We are also a member by invitation of the American Institute of Commemorative Art (AICA).
Longstreth Memorials
834 Kaler Ave
Bucyrus OH 44820
Tel: 419 562-1941; 800 325-3992
E-mail: info@storyinstone.com