Dodds Monuments - Dayton
What You Should Know About Selecting A Memorial.....
A message from Dodds Owner, Eric Fogarty
A memorial is a purchase most families will make only once. Because of this, most of us know very little about memorials. When purchasing a car, computer, refrigerator or other common products, we go in knowing what we want in basic terms and only have the accessories which will affect the price. Of course, we are aware that certain brands cost more because they are better quality.
A family can visit different monument companies and come away with completely different ideas on what they want, as there is little product knowledge and the families rely on the memorial counselor in helping them with their choice. At Dodds, we feel our job is to show you all of the options that are available. We believe you have the right to choose from different ideas. It is always amazing when a family comes to us after having visited two or three different companies and brings a picture of a basic monument, which is the regular shape and color that other companies always show. My question to the family is, "Were you shown anything else?". The response is always the same: "No, we were only shown two or three". We at Dodds give you the opportunity of looking at ways to make your memorial unique. We show you options of style, shape, color, size and ways that design work and engraving can personalize the memorial, to allow it to reflect the lives and personality of who the monument will represent for generations to come. We ask you questions of a personal nature, such as your loved ones hobbies, occupation, what religious, fraternal or service organizations did they belong to, etc. The more we know about your loved one, the better we can assist you in selecting the most appropriate memorial.
We also understand the importance a memorial has in the grieving process. The memorial for many families is the focal point of where they can feel connected with their lost loved one. The memorial is much more meaningful when the family has been able to participate in choosing a design and when visiting the gravesite feels they had a part in the memorial selection.
Personalizing a memorial does not have to be expensive. It can be as simple as praying hands, or cross to show someone led a religious life. It might be wedding rings and marriage date to show love and dedication to family. There could be a favorite flower, like a rose or dogwood. Many families have chosen other things which meant something special to their loved one. We have engraved pictures of a favorite pet, automobile, and boat. We have also engraved a picture of their home, or favorite vacation spot. There is no "rule of thumb" of what should be represented on a memorial. It is the choice of the family, in which there is seldom a "wrong" choice.
My personal promise to you is that when you visit any office of Dodds Monuments, you will be treated with respect and courtesy. You will never be pressured and will be given the opportunity to participate in the selection of your memorial. If you ever have any problems with Dodds Monuments, you can contact me or my son, Neil, directly and I will insure your complete satisfaction personally.
Eric P. Fogarty, Owner
Dodds Monuments
8150 N Dixie Dr
Dayton OH 45414
Tel: 937 890-0571; 888 224-2560
